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Environment, Climate Change & Agriculture

Foxford CFRAM Study

The Catchment-based Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) Programme has examined the flood risk, and possible measures to address the risk, in 300 communities throughout the country at potentially significant flood risk. These communities were identified through the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment, which was a national screening assessment of flood risk. Foxford is one of the communities identified through the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment PFRA process as being at potentially significant flood risk in the Moy & Killala Bay River Basin.

A viability review into the proposed Foxford Flood Relief Scheme is currently underway, following the CFRAM Study for the Moy & Killala Bay River Basin not finding any evidence of possible flooding, and the recommendation of non-structural methods be put in place. However, Foxford’s flooding event during Storm Desmond in December 2015 was contrary to that finding, and as a result a viability review was undertaken.

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