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Supports Available

Special Needs and Vulnerablities 

To view an infograph on asking for help for those who might have special needs and how to do so in a safe manner, please click here

Free Education Resource

Folens have compiled a booklet to support teachers with Ukrainian children in the Primary and Post-Primary classroom for facilitating better communication and are offering these two versions for free.

The booklets contain useful words and pictures such as feelings, hobbies, classroom objects and places at school, school facilities, classroom interactions.

It can be viewed and downloaded at this link

Transfers: Beneficiciaries of Temporary Protection

To view an inforgraph in relation to transfers and for further information please click here

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Social Welfare

Social Welfare supports for those arriving from Ukraine under the EU Temporary Protection Directive

Department of Social Protection supports for Ukrainian minors arriving in Ireland under the EU Temporary Protection Directive


Dóchas is maintaining a list of Irish charities assisting people in Ukraine.

Driving in Ireland

The Road Safety Authority has prepared some information and frequesntly asked questions regarding driving in Ireland, translated to Ukrainian and Russian. You can view this information at this link

Transport Supports

A number of temporary transport measures are in place through the National Transport Authority:

Emergency Transport

Funding for ‘Emergency Transport’ to address transport requirements of refugees on arrival to a community to ensure successful integration can be provided.  For example, where refugees are being set up for Public Services Cards, health related transport or other emergency requirements can be considered.

Community/Once Off Funding

Funding for ‘once-off’ non regular public transport provision to alleviate a gap in transport service that could lead to exclusion or undue hardship for Ukrainian Refugees can be provided. The nature of this grant is that it is non-repetitive and once off in nature and not intended to be a regular public transport service. This community funding would facilitate both individuals and groups of refugees who as a result of a lack of transport are excluded from events and or activities that would promote social inclusion.

Examples of trips supported: -

  • Community Welcome Days
  • Social Trips identified by HSE, Inter Agency Working Groups
  • Once off Healthcare appointments where no other transport option is available or to provide access on to the public transport network for such appointments
  • Employment & Job Fairs including Local Employment Offices
  • Intercultural Events

Short Term Closed Transport/Feeder Services

Supplementary Transport including closed shuttle or feeder services can be considered where no other transport options are available. This application would suit a situation where some locations house a large number of refugees in remote areas with no transport connections or maybe the number of refugees requiring transport would overwhelm public transport.

For more information email - requests for transport funding is subject to approval by the National Transport Authority.

Other transport Supports

School Transport

School transport is under the remit of the Department of Education.  School principals may apply for transport for children attending their school who are residing in accommodation centres (or similar).

For more information visit 

Transport from one centre to another when refugees are relocating

The provision of transport from one centre to another when refugees are relocating is organised and paid for by IPAS.

IPAS essentially have 3 pillars of transport that they are managing:

  • Airport to City West;
  • City West to locations nationwide for housing; and
  • Nationwide relocation trips.

Self Identification Of Special Needs and Vulnerabilities

For information on self-identification of vulnerabilities and special needs among persons fleeing Ukraine please click on our PDF links below, available in English, Ukrainian and Russian.

The Open Community - Support Package For Host Pledges

For information of supprt packages available from the Open Community for hosts/pledges please click here


Компанія An Post надає таку допомогу,at%20your%20local%20Post%20Office

Соціальна допомога громадянам, які прибувають з України, відповідно до Директиви ЄС про тимчасовий захист


Напередодні запровадження більш офіційних домовленостей Національне транспортне управління прийняло рішення про безкоштовний проїзд для новоприбулих біженців з України будь-яким громадським транспортом від місця прибуття до кінцевого пункту призначення згідно із Зобов’язаннями щодо обслуговування населення .

Щоб скористатися такою послугою, пасажири повинні пред'явити водієві наступні документи:

•             Український паспорт або інший документ, що посвідчує особу, виданий державним органом України, та докази прибуття в Ірландію протягом попередніх семи днів, наприклад електронний лист із бронюванням авіакомпанії або відривну частину посадкового талона, або

•             підтвердження статусу від координаційної групи чи благодійної організації, яка бере участь у боротьбі з кризою в Україні.

Транспортна служба Local Link просить водіїв/операторів застосовувати на свій розсуд вищезазначені правила, оскільки ми прагнемо приймати та підтримувати тих, хто прибуває в Ірландію з України.

Програма почала діяти 14 березня і триватиме до кінця квітня 2022 року, після чого умови буде переглянуто

Асоціація Dóchas веде облік ірландських благодійних організацій, які допомагають людям в Україні.

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