Staying Fit for the Future; Better Balance Pilot Project

Staying Fit for the Future; Better Balance is a strength and balance programme of pre-set exercises with progression guidance. The programme is delivered over 10 weeks and will involve a once weekly group exercise class. Each class will provide motivational strategies to re-enforce targeted strength and balance exercises at home, which will be completed independently by the client.
The Better Balance Pilot Project, funded by the Health and Wellbeing Department, Community Healthcare West (CHW), is a collaboration between the following agencies:
· Mayo Sports Partnership - Physical Activity for Health
· HSE Primary Care Physiotherapy Department, CHW
· HSE Health and Wellbeing Department, CHW
Starting in April, lessons will be delivered by Mayo Sports Partnership exercise instructors, who have participated in training workshops lead by HSE Physiotherapists. Weekly classes will include an aerobic warm up and a series of exercises to challenge and train the main components needed to maintain good independent movement.
Six pilot programmes will be delivered by Mayo Sports Partnership exercise instructors, with the collaboration of Mayo Primary Care Physiotherapists, in community venues in the North Mayo Network: Ballina, Belmullet and Swinford. Once the pilot phase has been completed, further programmes will be rolled out around the county in community halls and gyms.
Who is this Better Balance programme for? Older adults over 55 years of age, who are independently mobile and have no history of falls.
If you are wondering if this is the programme is for you, check if you can do the following simple test of balance and strength:
Cross your arms across your chest then stand on 1 leg and close your eyes. Now stand tall and steady for 10 seconds…
If you find yourself a bit more wobbly than you expected, and your balance isn’t “as good as it used to be”, this Better Balance class is the class for you.
Contact, for more information: Edel O'Malley