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Physical Activity for Health Programme

Sport Ireland with the support of the network of Local Sports Partnerships (LSP) will design a Physical Activity for Health Pilot Project.

The pilot project consists of 6 Physical Activity for Health officers (PAFHO), housed within 6 LSPs. The PAFHO roles have been designed to bridge a gap that exists for those with a chronic condition who need more attention and care engaging in or returning to community based physical activity opportunities.

The PAFHO will ensure that those who are ready and who need more attention and care transitioning to community based physical activity will be facilitated with appropriate physical activity programmes on the pathway to mainstream LSP and other community-based programmes that are on offer locally.

The main aims of the Physical Activity for Health Pilot Project will include:

 • To develop and formalise the working relationship between the PAFHO, the LSP and the HSE.

• To accept appropriate signposting from health services initiatives, such as Chronic Disease Management Programme and Social Prescribing services while facilitating their enrolment in subsidised LSP or partner programmes for recreational sport and physical activity

• To co-ordinate and quality assure the delivery of a free at point of use, designed by the LSP in collaboration with health professionals, HSE approved, 8 to 12- week structured physical activity programme, with follow-up 3 months post programme completion, for people with chronic conditions or long-term health condition who don’t require clinically led exercise programmes, with a focus on building their skills and confidence to engage with and maintain recreational sport and physical activity participation independently.

 • To strengthen and develop the working relationship between the Local Sports Partnerships and Local Health Service Providers.

• Ensuring that the LSP team is supported in safe and appropriate engagement and participation of people with chronic conditions who currently are presenting on LSP programmes across all target groups

 • Identifying training and educational needs of sport and physical activity practitioners in the area of physical activity for people with chronic conditions and liaise with the relevant stakeholders to support the development and delivery of relevant training • Through communication, engagement, and partnership, to increase healthcare practitioners’ awareness of physical activity/recreational sport opportunities that service users can be signposted to.

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