Film Mayo

Supporting film in Mayo.
Film Mayo is here to offer support, advice and networking for anyone interested in making a film in the county. It aims to deliver a friendly, professional service that is free and impartial. We would warmly welcome your film production to Mayo.
We love Mayo and know you will fall in love with it too. We want you to have a good experience of shooting your production here and our free and confidential advice could save you time and money. We know you will come away from your production having received a heart-felt welcome from the people of Mayo.
The county has so much to offer and so many hidden gems.
Please get in touch and let’s see where we can help; we are here to make your production easier for you. We have excellent networks to help you find what you’re looking for, and if we don’t know, we’ll put you in touch with someone who does.
On the Film Mayo website you also find a cast and crew listings of film professionals based in Mayo.
For more information visit or e-mail