Who Can Join We're Breastfeeding Friendly Mayo?

Any business, community group or organisation that has premises open to the general public is eligible to join, for example customer services, hotels, community centres, sports and recreation facilities, restaurants, libraries or health centres.
In order to join, a business, group or organisation must fulfil the criteria below. Businesses, community groups or organisations can choose to sign up individually or across a number of premises.
Criteria to Join:
- Breastfeeding is acceptable in all areas of your premises open to the public
- All staff members are made aware that your business, community group or organisation is participating in We’re Breastfeeding Friendly Mayo and is therefore supportive of the needs of breastfeeding mothers
- A mother who is breastfeeding in an area of your premises open to the public will not be asked to move to another area or stop breastfeeding
- The public are made aware that you are participating in We’re Breastfeeding Friendly Mayo and support breastfeeding through the display of a We’re Breastfeeding Friendly Mayo window sticker and/or poster
It is not a requirement that your premises be adapted in any way. Many mothers are comfortable breastfeeding anywhere when out and about. Some mothers may choose to have a little privacy, but the careful positioning of chairs may be enough.
Research tells us the most important issues for mothers are:
- Easy access for, and safe place to park, a buggy
- Easy access to a clean place to change their baby’s nappy
- A comfortable chair with a back for support