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Covid19 Is The Wicked Witch This Halloween But All Is Not Lost

Date: 15-10-2020

Covid19 is the new witch this Halloween. It’s that time of year many children have been dreaming about for months, planning costumes and devilish tricks for their neighbours. Although Halloween as we know it may be cancelled this year, as the Corona Virus pandemic continues to rage across the country, trick-or-treating safety should still be a top priority for children and families celebrating this spooky season.

Noel Gibbons, Road Safety Officer with the Communications Office in Mayo County Council states: “national advice is to protect yourself and your community, you should not go trick-or-treating, mixing with others outside is not allowed or private gatherings this Halloween season, however all is not lost”.

“With new activities being planned for Halloween to replace the traditional trick-or-treating, with some doing these things more virtually, road safety professionals are appealing to all parents to incorporate road safety in their Halloween plans. Some of these new activities might include zoom fancy dress parties, make-shift drive-in cinemas, fancy dress cycles or fancy dress walks, and we are appealing for the organisers of such events to adhere to Covid-19 Guidelines.  Young cyclists and pedestrians should be visible to motorists and ensure that the stylish costumes don’t create a trip/ fall hazard.  We are also appealing for motorists to be alert for these young and not so young people on foot and bike.”

“Another form of Halloween activity being planned are house drive-bys, where parents are getting their children to dress up and then drive them by their friends or neighbours’ houses.  We are appealing to parents to ensure that all car occupants wear a seat belt and not to overload their cars with passengers and for all these young passengers not to distract the driver. Passenger safety is paramount when travelling in a car and it is the driver’s responsibility to make sure that they are safe. Each passenger requires a seatbelt so don’t overload your car no matter how short the journey”.

Deirdre Caulfield, Road Safety Officer with Galway Co. Council states “while Halloween celebrations will be different this year due to COVID-19, a risk-free way to enjoy it is to stay indoors.  You could decorate Halloween themed rooms throughout the house, hiding sweets, toys, and prizes in the rooms. The kids can be sent on a scavenger hunt to discover all the hidden objects! Also, you could get the kids to decorate a Halloween themed face mask. Whether it’s a DIY project for yourself or a family activity, decorate a cloth or surgical mask to match a costume or have it be the costume itself. The main thing is for all to enjoy this occasion but in a safe manner”.

Both local authorities want everyone to have a fun and a stress-free Halloween in these uncertain times as people need to have fun right now and dressing up is one of those things. 

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