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Mayo National Roads Office

N17 Knock to Collooney AEC Road Project - Options Selection Update

Date: 26-05-2021

The N17 Knock to Collooney [Atlantic Economic Corridor] Project ( is at Phase 2 (Options Selection) of the TII Project Management Guidelines.

Initial Feasible Options (the Long List) were established and released for public information on the 6th of October 2020; a non-statutory Public Consultation period extended from this date until the 15th January 2021, during which time submissions were encouraged from the public.

Preliminary Options Assessment’s have been ongoing and are now in the concluding phases. A parallel shortlisting design analysis is also currently taking place (seeking to amalgamate and optimise certain options). This process will result in the establishment of Refined Options (i.e.: the Short List of Options) which it is expected will be confirmed towards the middle/end of July (2021) with the next non-statutory Public Consultation to take place thereafter. It is also expected that a Preferred Option will be established by the end of 2021.

Improvements to the N17 between Knock and Collooney will enhance regional connectivity thereby facilitating and supporting the economy of the Atlantic Economic Corridor (AEC) and the North-West region in general.

The Sligo National Roads Project Office appreciates the public’s continued cooperation and participation in this process.

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