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Mayo National Roads Office


N26 Ballina Bypass Phase 1

Project Phase

3 Current:
Design & Environmental Evaluation
4 Next:
Statutory Process
1 Feasibility
2 Option Selections
3 Design & Environmental Evaluation
4 Statutory Process
5 Tendering
6 Construction
7 Complete

N26 Ballina Phase 1 - Preferred Option Corridor


The route corridor shown on this map is for general location purposes only.  It is approximate and does not represent the actual design. 

Project Description 

Mayo County Council in association with Transport Infrastructure Ireland (TII) are progressing the development of the N26 Ballina Bypass Phase 1 scheme, which will provide a link, south west of Ballina town centre, between the N26 Foxford /Dublin Road and the N59 Crossmolina Road.

Current Project Phase

The project is currently in Phase 3 - Design & Environmental Evaluation of the TII Project Management Guidelines.  Roughan O’Donovan - Aecom Alliance (ROD-A) have been appointed by Mayo County Council to assist in the progression of the scheme through Phase 2 to 4.

Phase 2 involved the identification of the Study Area and Constraints, Assessment of Various Alternatives/Options and determining the Preferred Option.

Six options were initially developed and subsequently shortlisted to four options

Following Multi-Criteria Analysis (MCA) of the four options examined under six criteria headings (Economy, Safety, Environment, Accessibility & Social Inclusion, Integration and Physical Activity) the preferred corridor was identified.

The current Phase 3 involves the development of the project design to a stage where sufficient levels of detail exist to establish landtake requirements, to identify and mitigate project impacts and to progress the project to the statutory planning stage.


Public Information Event

Mayo County Council, in conjunction with Transport Infrastructure Ireland, held a Public Information Event for the N26 Ballina Bypass Phase 1 project.

The proposed indicative layout for the N26 Ballina Bypass Phase 1 Scheme (linking N26 and N59 national roads, southwest of Ballina town) was on display at the Great National Hotel, Ballina on 24th October 2024.

A copy of the Information Brochure can be viewed at the following link:-

N26 Ballina Bypass Preferred Option Information Brochure


Assessment & Appropriate Assessment Screening Determination

An Appropriate Assessment Screening Report has been undertaken for the proposed N26 Ballina Bypass Phase 1 Project, which comprises the development of a link between the N26 Foxford/Dublin Road, south of Ballina town, and the N59 Crossmolina Road.  The AA Screening Report is intended to determine whether or not the proposed Project, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects, in view of best scientific knowledge, is likely to have a significant effect on areas designated as being of European importance for nature conservation (“European sites”).

The AA Screening Report concluded, on the basis of objective information, that the proposed N26 Ballina Bypass Phase 1 Project, either individually or in combination with other plans or projects, has the potential to give rise to impacts which would constitute significant effects on three European sites, River Moy SAC, Killala Bay/Moy Estuary SPA and the Killala Bay/Moy Estuary SAC in view of their Conservation Objectives and that it is necessary to proceed to Stage 2 ‘Appropriate Assessment’ and the preparation of a Natura Impact Statement (NIS).

A copy of the AA Screening Assessment Determination can be viewed by clicking the following link.

N26 Ballina Bypass Phase 1 Appropriate Assessment Determination


If you have any queries or comments to make in relation to the project, if you require further information or if you wish to make an appointment please contact the following; 

Marie Jennings 
Executive Engineer, 
Mayo National Roads Office, 
Glenparke House, 
The Mall, 
County Mayo 

T: (094) 906 4705

Project Phase

3 Current:
Design & Environmental Evaluation
4 Next:
Statutory Process
1 Feasibility
2 Option Selections
3 Design & Environmental Evaluation
4 Statutory Process
5 Tendering
6 Construction
7 Complete
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