Mayo Leaving Cert Students Asked To Get Home Safely Pledge
Leaving cert results are available from this morning
Mayo County Council, together with Green-Schools Ireland, is launching an Anti-Idling Campaign for motorists dropping-off and picking-up outside schools.
Roadside Hedge Cutting Urged To Ensure Road Safety
Drivers Urged To Respect School Wardens When Schools Resume
Drivers who do not stop for lollipop men and women could face four penalty points and a €120 fine
Football fans asked to 'play it safe' on the roads this weekend
A road safety message ahead of this weekends double header at Croke Park
Don't Push On - Take That Break
Road signs of Mrs Doyle (from ‘Father Ted’) will be erected around the County, located near or at some Corrib ...
Safety officers gear up for Amber Thursday ahead of bank holiday weekend
Thursday July 29th marks the first ‘Amber Thursday’ event which is a joint collaboration between safety bodies...
Hot Weather and Road Rage: How To Keep Cool
For decades, researchers have observed a correlation between hot weather and increases in violent, aggressive ...
Roads Surface Dressing and Strengthening Programme Well Underway
Work is ongoing to Mayo County Councils 2021 roads programme. Machinery yard and municipal districts crews wil...
Staycation Precious Cargo