Have You Registered Yet? Operation Transformation Virtual 5K February 18th-20th 2021
Date: 10-02-2021
Have you registered for the OT Virtual 5K?
Register here: ot.rte.ie/events/the-operation-transformation-5k/
We also want you to share and send any footage before, during, or after your 5K to otvirtual5k@gmail.com
Read more on how to capture your footage here: OT14-Virtual-5K-Filming
Mayo Sports Partnerships 6 week Operation Transformation Programme is now in week 3 with over 500 participants registered online for the initiative.
In previous years, the Operation Transformation 5K was the programmes final showcase event, with 5Ks taking place across the county. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, it’s not possible to host this event in its usual format.
This year the Operation Transformation 5K, in association with Athletics Ireland, will be held virtually on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, the 18th 19th and 20th of February.
Registration Link: https://ot.rte.ie/events/the-operation-transformation-5k/
You MUST register to take part in this event, and please ensure you adhere to the most recent Government guidelines at all times while taking part in this virtual event.
We encourage you to share and circulate details of the virtual event.